Organizations overview
A Pinecone organization is a set of projects that use the same billing. Organizations allow one or more users to control billing and project permissions for all of the projects belonging to the organization. Each project belongs to an organization.
While an email address can be associated with multiple organizations, it cannot be used to create more than one organization. For information about managing organization members, see Manage organization members.
Projects in an organization
Each organization contains one or more projects that share the same organization owners and billing settings. Each project belongs to exactly one organization. If you need to move a project from one organization to another, contact Support.
Billing settings
All of the projects in an organization share the same billing method and settings. The billing settings for the organization are controlled by the organization owners.
Organization owners can update the billing contact information, update the payment method, and view and download invoices using the Pinecone console.
Organization roles
When you invite a member to your organization, you assign an organization role that determines their permissions within the Pinecone console. For more details, see Manage organization members.
Organization single sign-on (SSO)
SSO allows organizations to manage their teams’ access to Pinecone through their identity management solution. Once your integration is configured, you can specify a default role for teammates when they sign up.
For more information, see Configure single sign-on.
See also
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