This page defines the different availability phases of a feature in Pinecone.

The availability phases are used to communicate the maturity and stability of a feature. The availability phases are:

  • Early Access: In active development and may change at any time. Intended for user feedback only. Users must be granted explicit access to the API by Pinecone.

  • Public Preview: Unlikely to change between Preview and General Availability. Not recommended for production usage. Officially supported by Pinecone for non-production and production usage. Available to all users.

  • Limited Availability: Available to select users in a subset of regions, providers, and networks. Recommended for production usage. Officially supported by Pinecone for non-production and production usage.

  • General Availability: Will not change on short notice. Recommended for production usage. Officially supported by Pinecone for non-production and production usage.

  • Deprecated: Still supported, but no longer under active development, except for critical security fixes. Existing usage will continue to function, but migration following the upgrade guide is strongly recommended. Will be removed in the future at an announced date.

  • End of Life (EOL): Removed, and no longer supported or available.

A feature is in General Availability unless explicitly marked otherwise.

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