July 2024


  • Serverless indexes are now in public preview on GCP and Azure for Standard and Enterprise plans.

  • Released version 1.1.0 of the official Spark connector for Pinecone. In this release, you can now set a source tag. Additionally, you can now upsert records with 40KB of metadata, increased from 5KB.

  • To ensure that your applications continue to work as expected as the platform evolves, the Database and Inference APIs are now versioned, and Pinecone client versions are now pinned to specific API versions. For more details, see API versioning.

  • Added the ability to prevent accidental index deletion.


  • Released version 2024-07 of the Database API and Inference API. This version includes the following highlights:

    • The create_index and configure_index endpoints now support the deletion_protection parameter. Setting this parameter to "enabled" prevents an index from accidental deletion. For more details, see Prevent index deletion.

    • The describe_index and list_index responses now include the deletion_protection field. This field indicates whether deletion protection is enabled for an index.

    • The spec.serverless.cloud and spec.serverless.region parameters of create_index now support gcp / us-central and azure / eastus2 as part of the serverless public preview on GCP and Azure.



June 2024



  • Released version 1.2.2 of the Pinecone Java client. This release simplifies the proxy configuration process. It also fixes an issue where the user agent string was not correctly setup for gRPC calls. Now, if the source tag is set by the user, it is appended to the custom user agent string.
  • Released version 4.1.1 of the Pinecone Python client. In this release, you can now use colons inside soure tags. Additionally, the gRPC version of the Python client now allows retries of up to MAX_MSG_SIZE.


  • Added the following integration pages:

  • Updated Python code samples to use the gRPC version of the Python client, which is more performant than the Python client that interacts with Pinecone via HTTP requests.

  • Added a new Legal semantic search sample app that demonstrates low-latency natural language search over a knowledge base of legal documents.

May 2024


  • You can now use the ConnectPopup function to bypass the Connect widget and open the “Connect to Pinecone” flow in a popup. This can be used in an app or website for a seamless Pinecone signup and login process.
  • Pinecone now supports AWS PrivateLink. Create and use Private Endpoints to connect AWS PrivateLink to Pinecone while keeping your VPC private from the public internet.



April 2024


  • The free Starter plan now includes 1 project, 5 serverless indexes in the us-east-1 region of AWS, and up to 2 GB of storage. Although the Starter plan has stricter limits than other plans, you can upgrade whenever you’re ready.
  • You can now deploy serverless indexes in the eu-west-1 region of AWS.
  • Pinecone now supports an official Terraform integration to let you manage your Pinecone database using your Terraform configuration.
  • Pinecone now provides a Connect widget that can be embedded into an app, website, or Colab notebook for a seamless signup and login process.


  • Released version 1.0.0 of the Pinecone Java client. With this version, the Java client is officially supported by Pinecone. For full details on the release, see the v1.0.0 release notes in GitHub. For usage examples, see our guides or the GitHub README. To migrate to v1.0.0 from version 0.8.x or below, see the Java v1.0.0 migration guide.

  • Released version 0.9.0 of the Canopy SDK. This version adds support for OctoAI LLM and embeddings, and Qdrant as a supported knowledge base. See the v0.9.0 release notes in GitHub for more details.

  • As announced in January 2024, control plane operations like create_index, describe_index, and list_indexes now use a single global URL, https://api.pinecone.io, regardless of the cloud environment where an index is hosted. This is now in General Availability. As a result, the legacy version of the API, which required regional URLs for control plane operations, is deprecated as of April 15, 2024 and will be removed in a future, to be announced, release.


  • The docs now have a new AI chatbot. Use the search bar at the top of our docs to find related content across all of our resources.
  • We’ve updated the look and feel of our example notebooks and sample apps. A new sample app, Namespace Notes, a simple multi-tenant RAG app that uploads documents, has also been added.
  • Added the lifecycle policy of the Pinecone API, which describes the availability phases applicable to APIs, features, and client versions.
  • Added the following integration page:

March 2024



  • Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate index fullness reporting for some pod-based indexes on GCP.


  • The Pinecone console has a new look and feel, with a brighter, minimalist design; reorganized menu items for quicker, more intuitive navigation; and easy access to recently viewed indexes in the sidebar.

  • When viewing the list of indexes in a project, you can now search indexes by index name; sort indexes alphabetically, by how recently they were viewed or created, or by status; and filter indexes by index type (serverless, pod-based, or starter).


  • Released versions 3.2.0, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2 of the Pinecone Python client.

    • v3.2.0 adds four optional configuration properties that enable the use of Pinecone via proxy.

    • v3.2.1 adds an optional source_tag that you can set when constructing a Pinecone client to help Pinecone associate API activity to the specified source. See the v3.2.1 release notes in GitHub for more details.

    • v3.2.2 fixes a minor issue introduced in v3.2.0 that resulted in a DeprecationWarning being incorrectly shown to users who are not passing in the deprecated openapi_config property. This warning can safely be ignored by anyone who is not preparing to upgrade.

  • Released versions 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 of the Pinecone Node.js client.

    • v2.1.0 adds support for listing the IDs of records in a serverless index. You can list all records or just those with a common ID prefix. Listing by common ID prefix is especially useful as part of managing RAG documents.

    • v2.2.0 adds an optional sourceTag that you can set when constructing a Pinecone client to help Pinecone associate API activity to the specified source.

    See the v2.1.0 and v2.2.0 release notes in GitHub for more details.

  • Released versions 0.4.0 and 0.4.1 of the Pinecone Go client.

    • v0.4.0 is a comprehensive re-write and adds support for all current Pinecone API operations.

    • v0.4.1 adds an optional SourceTag that you can set when constructing a Pinecone client to help Pinecone associate API activity to the specified source.

    See the v0.4.0 and v0.4.1 release notes in GitHub for more details.

    The Go client is under active development should be considered unstable. Before a 1.0 release, there are no guarantees of backward compatibility between minor versions.

  • Released version 0.8.1 of the Canopy SDK. This version includes bug fixes, the removal of an unused field for Cohere chat calls, and added guidance on creating a knowledge base with a specified record encoder when using the core libary. See the v0.8.1 release notes in GitHub for more details.


February 2024


  • It is now possible to convert a pod-based starter index to a serverless index. For organizations on the Starter plan, this requires upgrading to Standard or Enterprise; however, upgrading comes with $100 in serverless credits, which will cover the cost of a converted index for some time.



January 2024


The new Pinecone API gives you the same great vector database but with a drastically improved developer experience. The most significant improvements include:

  • Serverless indexes: With serverless indexes, you don’t configure or manage compute and storage resources. You just load your data and your indexes scale automatically based on usage. Likewise, you don’t pay for dedicated resources that may sometimes lay idle. Instead, the pricing model for serverless indexes is consumption-based: You pay only for the amount of data stored and operations performed, with no minimums.

  • Multi-region projects: Instead of choosing a cloud region for an entire project, you now choose a region for each index in a project. This makes it possible to consolidate related indexes in the same project, even when they are hosted in different regions.

  • Global URL for control plane operations: Control plane operations like create_index, describe_index, and list_indexes now use a single global URL, https://api.pinecone.io, regardless of the cloud environment where an index is hosted. This simplifies the experience compared to the legacy API, where each environment has a unique URL.


  • The latest versions of Pinecone’s Python client (v3.0.0) and Node.js client (v2.0.0) support the new API mentioned above. To use the new API, existing users must upgrade to the new client versions and adapt some code. For guidance, see the Python client v3 migration guide and Node.js client v2 migration guide.
  • The latest version of the Canopy SDK (v0.6.0) adds support for the new API mentioned above as well as namespaces, LLMs that do not have function calling functionality for query generation, and more. See the release notes in GitHub for more details.


  • The Pinecone documentation is now versioned. The default “latest” version reflects the new Pinecone API mentioned above. The “legacy” version reflects the previous API, which requires regional URLs for control plane operations and does not support serverless indexes.

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