Nuclia RAG-as-a-Service automatically indexes files and documents from both internal and external sources, powering diverse company use cases with large language models (LLMs). This comprehensive indexing capability ensures that organizations can leverage unstructured data effectively, transforming it into actionable insights. With Nuclia’s modular Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, you can deploy solutions tailored to various operational needs across different deployment options, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.

The modular RAG system from Nuclia is designed to fit specific use cases, allowing you to customize your RAG pipeline to meet your unique requirements. Whether it’s defining your own retrieval and chunking strategies or choosing from various embedding models, Nuclia’s RAG-as-a-Service makes it easy to bring your tailored solutions into production. This customization not only improves the value of your products but also helps you stay competitive by automating tasks and making your data smarter with LLMs, saving hundreds of hours in the process.

When you create a knowledge box at Nuclia, choose to store the index in Pinecone. This is especially useful for large datasets where full text search is not key on the retrieval phase.

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