Every record in an index must contain an ID and a vector. In addition, you can include metadata key-value pairs to store additional information or context. When you query the index, you can then include a metadata filter to limit the search to records matching a filter expression. Searches without metadata filters do not consider metadata and search the entire namespace.

Supported metadata types

Metadata payloads must be key-value pairs in a JSON object. Keys must be strings, and values can be one of the following data types:

  • String
  • Number (integer or floating point, gets converted to a 64 bit floating point)
  • Booleans (true, false)
  • List of strings

Null metadata values are not supported. Instead of setting a key to hold a
null value, we recommend you remove that key from the metadata payload.

For example, the following would be valid metadata payloads:

    "genre": "action",
    "year": 2020,
    "length_hrs": 1.5

    "color": "blue",
    "fit": "straight",
    "price": 29.99,
    "is_jeans": true

Supported metadata size

Pinecone supports 40KB of metadata per vector.

Metadata query language

Pinecone’s filtering query language is based on MongoDB’s query and projection operators. Pinecone currently supports a subset of those selectors:

FilterDescriptionSupported types
$eqMatches with metadata values that are equal to a specified value. Example: {"genre": {"$eq": "documentary"}}Number, string, boolean
$neMatches with metadata values that are not equal to a specified value. Example: {"genre": {"$ne": "drama"}}Number, string, boolean
$gtMatches with metadata values that are greater than a specified value. Example: {"year": {"$gt": 2019}}Number
$gteMatches with metadata values that are greater than or equal to a specified value. Example:{"year": {"$gte": 2020}}Number
$ltMatches with metadata values that are less than a specified value. Example: {"year": {"$lt": 2020}}Number
$lteMatches with metadata values that are less than or equal to a specified value. Example: {"year": {"$lte": 2020}}Number
$inMatches with metadata values that are in a specified array. Example: {"genre": {"$in": ["comedy", "documentary"]}}String, number
$ninMatches with metadata values that are not in a specified array. Example: {"genre": {"$nin": ["comedy", "documentary"]}}String, number
$existsMatches with the specified metadata field. Example: {"genre": {"$exists": true}}Number, string, boolean
$andJoins query clauses with a logical AND. Example: {"$and": [{"genre": {"$eq": "drama"}}, {"year": {"$gte": 2020}}]}-
$orJoins query clauses with a logical OR. Example: {"$or": [{"genre": {"$eq": "drama"}}, {"year": {"$gte": 2020}}]}-

For example, the following has a "genre" metadata field with a list of strings:

{ "genre": ["comedy", "documentary"] }

This means "genre" takes on both values, and requests with the following filters will match:


{"genre": {"$in":["documentary","action"]}}

{"$and": [{"genre": "comedy"}, {"genre":"documentary"}]}

However, requests with the following filter will not match:

{ "$and": [{ "genre": "comedy" }, { "genre": "drama" }] }

Additionally, requests with the following filters will not match because they are invalid. They will result in a compilation error:

{"genre": ["comedy", "documentary"]}
{"genre": {"$eq": ["comedy", "documentary"]}}

Use metadata

The following operations support metadata:

Pinecone Assistant also supports metadata filters. For more information, see Understanding files in Pinecone Assistant.