Pinecone allows you to partition the records in an index into namespaces. Queries and other operations are then limited to one namespace, so different requests can search different subsets of your index.

For example, you might want to define a namespace for indexing articles by content, and another for indexing articles by title. For a complete example, see our Namespaces example notebook.

Every index is made up of one or more namespaces. Every record exists in exactly one namespace.

Namespaces are uniquely identified by a namespace name, which almost all operations accept as a parameter to limit their work to the specified namespace. When you don’t specify a namespace name for an operation, Pinecone uses the default namespace name of "" (the empty string).

Creating a namespace

Namespaces are created automatically the first time they are used to upsert records. If the namespace doesn’t exist, it is created implicitly.

For example, the code below creates theexample-namespace1 and example-namespace2 namespaces, if they don’t already exist:

Querying a namespace

Each query is limited to a single namespace within an index. To target a namespace, pass the namespace parameter. To query the default namespace, pass "" or omit the namespace parameter.

For example, the queries below search the example-namespace1 and example-namespace2 namespaces:

Operations across all namespaces

All vector operations apply to a single namespace, with one exception:

The DescribeIndexStatistics operation returns per-namespace statistics about the contents of all namespaces in an index. More details