This page describes how to change the billing plan for your Pinecone organization through the Pinecone console. To change your billing plan, you must be the organization owner for your organization.

Accounts created by signing up through GCP Marketplace must change billing plans through the Pinecone console using this workflow.

Upgrade your billing plan

  1. In the Pinecone console, go to Settings > Billing > Plans.
  2. Click Upgrade in the Standard plan section. Alternatively, you can Contact Sales to discuss access to the Enterprise plan.

After upgrading from the Starter plan to the Standard plan, you immediately start paying for usage of your Pinecone indexes, including the serverless indexes that were free on the Starter plan. For more details about how costs are calculated, see Understanding cost.

Downgrade to the Starter plan

Before you can downgrade to the free Starter plan, your organization must be under the Starter plan quotas:

Once you meet the requirements above, downgrade to the Starter plan as follows:

  1. In the Pinecone console, got to Settings > Billing > Plans.
  2. Click Downgrade in the Starter plan section.

Your billing will end immediately; however, you will receive a final invoice for any charges accrued in the current month.

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