February 2025


Assistant Quickstart colab notebook

Added the Assistant Quickstart colab notebook. This notebook shows you how to set up and use Pinecone Assistant in your browser.


Released Node.js SDK v5.0.0

Released v5.0.0 of the Pinecone Node.js SDK. This version uses the latest stable API version, 2025-01, and includes support for Pinecone Assistant and sparse-only indexes.


New integrations

Added the Box and Cloudera AI integration pages.


Citation highlights in assistant responses

You can now include highlights in an assistant’s citations. Highlights are the specific parts of the document that the assistant used to generate the response.

Citation highlights are available in the Pinecone console or API versions 2025-04 and later.


Pinecone API version 2025-01 is now the latest stable version

2025-01 is now the latest stable version of the Pinecone APIs.


Released Python SDK v6.0.0

Released v6.0.0 of the Pinecone Python SDK. This version uses the latest stable API version, 2025-01, and includes support for the following:

  • Index tags to categorize and identify your indexes.
  • Integrated inference without the need for extra plugins. If you were using the preview functionality of integrated inference, you must uninstall the pinecone-plugin-records package to use the v6.0.0 release.
  • Enum objects to help with the discoverability of some configuration options, for example, Metric, AwsRegion, GcpRegion, PodType, EmbedModel, RerankModel. This is a backwards compatible change; you can still pass string values for affected fields.
  • New client variants, PineconeAsyncio and IndexAsyncio, which provide async methods for use with asyncio. This makes it possible to use Pinecone with modern async web frameworks such as FastAPI, Quart, and Sanic. Async support should significally increase the efficiency of running many upserts in parallel.

Before updgrading to v6.0.0, update all relevant code to account for the following breaking changes. See the v6.0.0 release notes for full details.

  • Incorporated the pinecone-plugin-records and pinecone-plugin-inference plugins into the pinecone package. If you are using these plugins, you must unstall them to use v6.0.0.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.8, which has now reached official end of life, and added support for Python 3.13.
  • Removed the explicit dependency on tqdm, which is used to provide a progress bar when upserting data into Pinecone. If tqdm is available in the environment, the Pinecone SDK will detect and use it, but tdqm is no longer required to run the SDK. Popular notebook platforms such as Jupyter and Google Colab already include tqdm in the environment by default, but if you are running small scripts in other environments and want to continue seeing progress bars, you will need to separately install the tqdm package.
  • Removed some previously deprecated and rarely used keyword arguments (config, openapi_config, and index_api) to instead prefer dedicated keyword arguments for individual settings such as api_key, proxy_url, etc.

Released Java SDK v4.0.0

Released v4.0.0 of the Pinecone Java SDK. This version uses the latest stable API version, 2025-01, and adds support for sparse-only indexes.

Before updgrading to v4.0.0, update all relevant code to account for the following breaking changes. See the v4.0.0 release notes for full details.

  • embed method:

    • parameters now accepts Map<String, Object> instead of EmbedRequestParameters.
    • The Embeddings response class now has dense and sparse embeddings. You now must use getDenseEmbedding() or getSparseEmbedding(). For example, instead of embeddings.getData().get(0).getValues(), you would use embeddings.getData().get(0).getDenseEmbedding().getValues().
  • rerank method:

    • documents now accepts List<Map<String, Object>> instead of List<Map<String, String>>.
    • parameters now accepts Map<String, Object> instead of Map<String, String>.

Released Go SDK v3.0.0

Released v3.0.0 of the Pinecone Go SDK. This version uses the latest stable API version, 2025-01, and adds support for sparse-only indexes.

Before updgrading to v3.0.0, update all relevant code to account for the following breaking changes. See the v3.0.0 release notes for full details.

  • embed operation:
    • EmbedParameters is no longer typed as a pointer.
  • create_index operation:
    • CreateServerlessIndexRequest and CreatePodIndexRequest structs have been updated, and fields are now classified as pointers to better denote optionality around creating specific types of indexes: Metric, Dimension, VectorType, and DeletionProtection.
  • Various data operation:
    • Values in the Vector type are now a pointer to allow flexibility when working with sparse-only indexes.

Released .NET SDK v3.0.0

Released v3.0.0 of the Pinecone .NET SDK. This version uses the latest stable API version, 2025-01, and adds support for sparse-only indexes.

Before updgrading to v3.0.0, update all relevant code to account for the following breaking changes. See the v3.0.0 release notes for full details.

  • embed operation:

    • The Embedding type has changed from a simple object to a discriminated union, supporting both DenseEmbedding and SparseEmbedding. New helper methods available on the Embedding type: IsDense and IsSparse for type checking, AsDense() and AsSparse() for type conversion, and Match() and Visit() for pattern matching.
    • The Parameters property now uses Dictionary<string, object?>? instead of EmbedRequestParameters.
  • rerank operation:

    • The Document property now uses Dictionary<string, object?>? instead of Dictionary<string, string>?.
    • The Parameters property now uses Dictionary<string, object?>? instead of Dictionary<string, string>?.

January 2025


Update to the API keys page

Added the Created by column on the API keys page in the Pinecone Console. This column shows the email of the user who created the API key.


Sparse-only indexes in early access

You can now use sparse-only indexes for the storage and retrieval of sparse vectors. This feature is in early access.


Pinecone Assistant is generally available (GA) for all users.

Read more about the release on our blog.


Released Node SDK v4.1.0

Released v4.1.0 of the Pinecone Node.js SDK. This version adds support for index tags when creating or configuring indexes. It also adds a new RetryOnServerFailure class that automatically retries asynchronous operations with exponential backoff when the server responds with a 500 or 503 error.


New Billing Admin user role

Added the Billing Admin user role. Billing Admins have permissions to view billing details, usage details, and support plans.


Released Go SDK v2.2.0

Released v2.2.0 of the Pinecone Go SDK. This version adds support for index tags when creating or configuring indexes.

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